term, meaning in general a public display,2 which has a special modern sense as applied to public shows of goods for the promotion of trade (Fr. exposition)
The first exhibition in this sense of which there is any account, in either sacred or profane history, was that held by King Ahasuerus, who, according to the Book of Esther, showed in the third year of his reign ".the riches of his glorious kingdom, and the honour of his excellent majesty, many days, even a hundred and four-score days." The locale of this function was Shushan, the palace and the exhibits consisted of " white, green and blue hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble: the beds were of gold and silver, upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white and black marble
And they gave them drink in vessels of gold, the vessels being diverse one from another." The first exhibition since the Christian] era was at Venice during the dogeship of Lorenzo Tiepolo, in 1268
On that occasion there was a grand display, consisting of a water fete, a procession of the trades and an industrial exhibition
The various gilds of the Queen City of the Seas marched through the narrow streets to the great square of St Mark, and their leaders asked the dogaressa to inspect the products of their induitry
Other medieval exhibitions were the fairs held at Leipzig and Nizhni Novgorod in Europe, at Tanta in Egypt, and in
1689 that by the Dutch at Leiden
1 For Leofric, see F
Warren, The Leofric Missal (1883)
2 An " exhibition," in the sense of a minor scholarship, or annual payment to a student from the funds of a school or college, is a modern survival from the obsolete meaning of " maintenance " or " endowment " (cf
Late Lat. exhibitio et tegumentum, i.e. food and raiment)
Malaysia Exhibition Services Sdn Bhd
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